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The Top Cyber security trends in 2022


Cyber security is a topic that is constantly evolving, but what do you know about the top trends in cyber security? From AI & ML to botnets and advanced persistent threats, these are the top trends to watch. It is one of those things that keeps cropping up in the news, whether it’s hacking or new cyber threats, or ways people can protect your businesses.

Automotive Hacking 

The automotive industry is facing a lot of challenges. In addition to the cyber security risks faced by other industries, it’s also dealing with issues such as autonomous vehicles and vehicle-to-vehicle communication. 

According to reports by Markets, automotive cybersecurity will be worth $ 7.3 billion by 2022. The growth is increasing because more vehicles are connected which exposes new vulnerabilities. Also increasing opportunities for innovation in this space. 

The key takeaway here is that hackers are going after these cars because they’re easy targets – they don’t have security measures in place yet! 

Ransomware Attacks Cyber security

A ransomware attack is when a hacker installs malicious software on your computer and then holds it hostage until you pay a fee to get your data back. Ransomware attacks have been around since the early 2000s, but they’re becoming more common and more sophisticated in 2022 

Ransomware attacks are on the rise because they are easy for hackers to execute. Someone can launch a massive cyberattack with little training or effort by using publicly available tools that target vulnerabilities in commonly used operating systems like Windows 10 and macOS Mojave. 

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks 

The attack vector is similar to other threats, with the addition of being able to deliver malware. The motivation for an organization to be attacked through a DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) is not necessarily financial gain. It can be used as a form of censorship control over an organization’s networks.

The reason behind the rise in DDOS attacks is because of the increased use of social media and other online platforms. They are also using these platforms to spread viruses & malware, which makes them even more dangerous than ever before. 

SQL Injection 

SQL injection is a technique used by hackers to exploit software vulnerabilities to gain access to protected data. These are often used to gain access to databases, user accounts, and even third-party resources. 

It is a common web application vulnerability, exploited by attackers to steal sensitive data. The attack works by sending specially crafted SQL statements to the database, which then allows the attacker to access information in the database. 


Crypto-jacking is a form of cybercrime that involves using someone else’s computer’s processing power to mine cryptocurrency. It uses your computer’s processing power to mine cryptocurrencies without your permission. You may not be aware that your computer has been used to mine cryptocurrency until you receive a notification from the CPU or GPU in your system. 

Cryptocurrency mining malware can be particularly harmful because it consumes a lot of processing power while doing little work in return. The more processing power you use, the more money you lose because it’s difficult to sell the mined coins when they are worthless. 

Bruce Force Attack  

Bruce force attack is a cyber-attack that uses brute force to guess user passwords. It works by attempting to guess every password possible for a user account. Then, comparing the list against the actual password hash stored on the server. If any matches are found, the system will be locked out. 

Bruce force attacks can be conducted through a SQL injection or by sending malformed requests over HTTP GET commands. The former requires no technical expertise from the attacker, while the latter requires only basic knowledge of SQL injection techniques to carry out successful attacks. 


The IoT on a 5G Network:  New Technology with New Risks 

Primarily, The Internet of Things will usher in a new era of interconnectivity with the arrival and proliferation of 5G networks (IoT). This communication across numerous devices exposes them to outside influence, assaults, or an unknown software bug. Even Chrome, the world’s most popular browser, sponsored by Google, was discovered to have severe flaws. 


In conclusion, the cybersecurity field is rapidly evolving and it’s important to stay up to date on the latest trends. As the world becomes increasingly digital, the threats to business security are increasing in scale and complexity. At the same time, businesses are becoming more diverse in terms of what they do and how they operate. This means that there is a “one size fits all” approach when it comes to managing cybersecurity risks. It will take a framework-based approach that can be tailored to each company’s unique needs & requirements. Keep an eye out for these five trends, as they will continue to be prevalent in 2022 and beyond.