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The Ultimate Guide To Composable Architecture

In today’s world, the fact that everything is changing is constant. With the changing technology and future demands, software enterprises take advantage of the composable architecture/applications to build and adapt digital solutions faster.  

The two key technologies that a majority of high-composability firms have already deployed or intend to deploy in 2022 are artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed cloud.


What is Composable Architecture?  

Composable applications together form a composable architecture that brings in a new way of fitting together existing pieces (people, technology, applications, etc.) of business for real-time adaptability.  

Composable architecture is on the idea of disaggregation. In a fine-tuned definition, it means breaking down bigger business components into smaller components and then combining APIs for connecting these broken components to make them more efficient.  

For Example, Amazon is a company that adopted Composable Architecture. Along with being an online retailer, it is also a web service provider (Amazon Web Services). 


Why Composable Architecture?  

As discussed above, this architecture breaks down large components which means that everything is not dependent on only one technology. Your business architecture becomes more collaborative and flexible as APIs and cloud services are independent, proactive, and build adaptable changes.  

To summarize, a composable business model comes with several benefits like discovery, agility, orchestration, and efficiency, to name a few.  

Also, the fact that we can reuse these business capabilities for creating new solutions adds to why it helps businesses adapt to changes, as they do not have to start from scratch then. 


Goals of Composable Architecture  

It has several core goals. To list out a few: 

  • Delivering new functionalities faster to both internal as well as external users. 
  • To reduce the cost by enabling the reuse of capabilities.  
  • Serving more customers when needed, and vice versa.  
  • To enable the early detection of new business events. 


How do you put Composable Architecture in place?

To install Composable Architecture, there are four steps to follow:  

  • Understanding the ecosystem:

    Before getting started, it is necessary to preview an enterprise’s existing capabilities, technologies, and processes, as this will help in knowing what an enterprise does and what expectations its customers have. Overall, it is necessary to understand the business ecosystem. Business capability maps, Value stream mapping, and customer journey maps are some artifacts that can provide the baseline.  

  • Assess the need for composability:

    In this step, we project the need and scope of composability. We do this by addressing questions like, is there a need for faster time-to-market, and if yes, where?  

  • Architect:

    After assessing the need, we make choices. The choices must be independent, dictated by the market, and deliver a clear business value. An ideal business architecture should drive transformation rather than being nice. 

  • Build and (repeat):

    Now that we have identified the core principles, we should not forget that APIs connect these smaller pieces to bring everything together. Hence, the last step is to assemble each piece to provide a new experience for the user. 



Most companies are on their way toward adopting Composable Architecture as the trend for digitalization is increasing in the IT industry. It can redefine your journey toward becoming a successful digital business player. 

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